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Training and Seminars

We provide a set of structured 1 to 3 day social policy analysis workshops for policy makers, experts and researchers in the area.  All of our courses are provided in English or Turkish depending on the preference of the audience.
More details on the training programs can be found here 


We also currently run two parallel seminar series: 

Our Development Seminar Series  focus on the most current issues and debates in the field and engages internationally renowned academics, policy makers and development practitioners as speakers to share their work and expertise with our audience.  Details of previous Development Seminars and the speakers' bios can be found at this link.


The Young Scholars Series  aim to bring together PhD students, academics, and researchers to stimulate a discussion about current research in social policies and global development. While giving young researchers an opportunity to present their work and get feedback from other researchers in the field, these meetings also establish a network among them.  Young Scholars are organised every two months at our Istanbul office. Early career academics and researchers are encouraged to submit their research and abstracts to us through  E-mails should include the candidate's CV, a short bio, and the abstract of the intended presentation.



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