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impact evaluation

Effective program evaluation ensures that social policies and programs achieve their intended outcomes. We provide comprehensive program evaluation services that adhere to rigorous standards. Our expertise extends to both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methodologies, enabling us to conduct comprehensive assessments of program effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. We actively participate in large-scale evaluation projects, contributing our methodological and quantitative data analysis skills. We also leverage our field presence in East and Central Asia (ECA), Middle East, and North Africa (MENA) regions to collect in-depth qualitative data. If you are interested in carrying out an evaluation in collaboration with our team, we encourage you to contact us

Program & Policy Evaluation

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Evaluative Learning Study for Phase III of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Assistance for Refugees in Turkey
Refugees, Poverty, Cash Transfers

September 2021 - August 2022

The overall goal of this study is to generate an evidence base on refugees’ income sources and the ESSN’s effect on socioeconomic vulnerability as well as people’s capacity to cope. Furthermore, this study will also provide capacity support and strengthening expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and improving metrics for IFRC. In this capacity, this study will rely on i) conducting a desk review, ii) carrying out quantitative data analysis using several existing micro level datasets to understand refugees’ main income sources, socioeconomic vulnerability, and coping strategies pre-COVID and during COVID, iii) carrying out qualitative data analysis using existing data from FGDs that have been conducted by IFRC and TRC to understand the changes in refugees’ income sources pre-COVID and during COVID and to provide in-depth insights into their vulnerability and coping strategies during COVID-19, iv) conducting capacity building workshops to strengthen knowledge and expertise regarding qualitative and quantitative research methods and tools, and to provide useful metrics for the ESSN III programme to track income more reliably in Turkey.

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EU - Landell Mils

Strategic Mid-term Evaluation of The Facility for Refugees in Turkey

Refugees, Evaluation

March 2019 - June 2021

The Facility for Refugees in Turkey (the Facility) is a EUR 6 billion mechanism designed to share Turkey’s burden of hosting close to four million refugees. Organised in two tranches, it coordinates the EU refugee response, focusing on humanitarian assistance and protection, education, health, socio-economic support, and migration management. The evaluation’s scope includes all actions funded and instruments mobilised under Facility Tranche I (EUR 3 billion) between 2015/16 and 2020. The purpose of the evaluation is: (i) To provide an overall assessment of the performance of the Facility to date, focusing on intermediate results measured against its objectives, (ii) To provide lessons learned and actionable recommendations to improve current and future actions and strategy. The Facility includes portfolios of humanitarian and non-humanitarian interventions across four sectors – education; health; socio-economic support; and protection, which the evaluation covers in a series of standalone sector reports. This evaluation was implemented by Landell Mills Ltd. with support from Development Analytics responsible for organizing and executing the fieldwork (accompanied by international experts) in Turkey and providing local expertise through its national experts for this study. Development Analytics also provided quantitative and qualitative data analysis for the sector reports and provided writing support in the preparation of the sector reports, co-leading the sector report for socioeconomic support. 

📖 Download the Executive Summary

📖 Download the Main Report 

📖 Download Sector Report (Education)

📖 Download Sector Report (Health)

📖 Download Sector Report (Socio-Economic Support)

📖 Download Sector Report (Protection)

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UNICEF_iod parc

UNICEF Tajikistan Country Programme Evaluation 2020

Evaluation, Country Programme Evaluation

February 2020 - December 2020

The goal of the UNICEF country programme is to accelerate progress towards the realisation of the rights of all children in Tajikistan. Country Programme Evaluations (CPEs) in UNICEF are strategic evaluations that provide an assessment of the totality of UNICEF's programme of work in a country. In this respect, the overall objectives of this evaluation are to look back and assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and resilience, coherence, and longer-term changes associated with UNICEF's portfolio, and programmatic and strategic choices made in the design and implementation of the country programme (CP) to identify good practices and draw lessons and forward-looking recommendations that can inform the 2021–25 CP planning process, which commenced during the last quarter of 2019. Development Analytics is part of the consortium led by IOD PARC in conducting the Country Programme Evaluation of UNICEF Tajikistan (2016-2020).

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ESSN Mid-Term Review 2018/2019

Refugees, Cash Transfers

October 2019 - February 2020

Turkey currently hosts more refugees than any other country in the world. There are 4 million registered refugees in Turkey, of whom 3.6 million are Syrian refugees. The ESSN launched in December 2016 with the objective of stabilising or improving the living standards of the most vulnerable out-of-camp refugee households. The ESSN was designed in conjunction with the Government of Turkey and is implemented through a partnership between WFP, TK, the Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Services (MoFLSS), and Halkbank.

The World Food Programme (WFP) Turkey Country Office on behalf of the ESSN stakeholders commissioned this mid-term review of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN), funded by the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO). The first phase of the ESSN (ESSN 1) ran from September 2016, with roll-out starting in early 2017; while ESSN 2 commenced in January 2018 and ran until March 2020. This review covers the period from May 2018 to November 2019. In collaboration with Oxford Policy Management (OPM), Development Analytics was involved in organising fieldwork, carrying out focus group discussions and key informant interviews, and conducting quantitative and qualitative data analysis for the study.

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Help Age - ODI

Myanmar Dry Zone Social Protection Project Endline Assessment​

Poverty, Cash Transfers

May 2018 - December 2018

“Dry Zone Social Protection Project” has been implemented by HelpAge International in collaboration with the Mandalay YMCA to help vulnerable households in the Dry Zone to cope and manage risks. This three-year project had the objective to expand social protection by enhancing informal community-based mechanisms and practices; strengthening government and community capacity to protect the poor; and delivering cash benefits to vulnerable groups (people with disabilities and older people). The project ended in December 2018. The locations of the project were a total of 180 villages with 30 villages in each of six target townships of two regions of Myanmar. In addition to the two different baseline surveys collected at the beginning of the project, two end line surveys were collected to measure the change in vulnerability and social protection over the course of the project and also measure the impact of the cash transfers. In collaboration with ODI, Development Analytics assisted with the end line assessment's study design, data analysis, and reporting on the findings.


Decentralised Evaluation of the ECHO funded Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) in Turkey

Refugees, Cash Transfers

May 2017 - April 2018

Turkey is the country with the largest refugee population in the world with 3.9 million refugees, 3.6 million of whom are Syrians as of April 2019. The Emergency Social Safety Net Programme (ESSN) started being implemented at the end of 2016 and aimed to provide at least 1 million refugees with an unconditional and unrestricted cash transfer of 100 TL per month (which was raised to 120 TL later on) making it the largest ever EU-supported humanitarian cash transfer programme. The programme is available to all foreigners with refugee status who live off-camp and are under temporary protection or international protection. The programme is funded by the European Commission through European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and is implemented through the Turkish government social welfare system by means of an ATM cash card. The WFP is a key stakeholder in the project and worked closely with ECHO to design and implement the programme. The interim evaluation assesses the first year of the programme’s implementation and is aimed to be used to inform decision-making in the second year. In collaboration with Oxford Policy Management, Development Analytics was involved in organising fieldwork, carrying out focus group discussions and key informant interviews, and conducting qualitative data analysis.

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ILO Logo

Evaluation of Women's Human Rights Trainings​

Gender, Women’s Empowerment, Human Rights


May 2016 - September 2016

In the scope of the project “More and Better Jobs for Women: Women’s Empowerment through Decent Work in Turkey”, an Implementation Agreement with Women for Women’s Human Rights-New Ways (WWHR) was signed to deliver a women’s human rights training for 2000 women and human rights seminars for 1250 men and women in project provinces of Ankara, Bursa, Konya, and İstanbul. Women’s human rights training is provided to women participating in the vocational training courses offered by the municipalities in project provinces in line with the work-plan of the project. The monitoring and evaluation of the training aimed to measure the effectiveness, quality of the training in various aspects, as well as to receive recommendations on how to improve the training for the second phase, as planned to take place in September 2016 until the end of December 2016.

The purpose of the evaluation is to:

(i) Determine if the training has made progress towards its stated objectives and outcomes and explain why/why not;

(ii) Provide recommendations on programme improvement and further action for the second phase of training between September-December 2016.

(iii) Where necessary, identify the possible needs to refine content, duration, methodology, trainer approach.

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ILO Logo

Final Evaluation of the Pilot Implementation of SCORE Methodology in Turkey

Sustainability, Employment


December 2015 - April 2016

Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) is a practical training and in-factory counselling programme to increase the productivity of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) while promoting respect for workers’ rights. The programme demonstrates the best international practice in the manufacturing and service sectors and helps SMEs to participate in global supply chains. The intervention in Turkey targeted SMEs in Turkey in a selected province; Kocaeli to improve the competitiveness and productivity levels of the selected SMEs through strengthening the workplace cooperation and working conditions to ensure scaling up SCORE programme by the relevant government agencies and industry organizations to enable a larger number of SMEs to benefit from the SCORE in Turkey. The final evaluation of the project aimed to assess the results of the work done in order to properly report on the results as well as define the steps for possible further project development in the improvement of working conditions in SMEs and the SME efficiency and productivity. The evaluation applied the key criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact potential. To this end, a fieldwork composing of in-depth interviews had been conducted, and original data collected through (i) these qualitative interviews, and (ii) quantitative surveys from the programme participants.

ILO Logo

Final Global Evaluation of the Decent Work in the Green Economy Project

Sustainability, Employment

March 2015 - July 2015

The ILO project “Decent Work in the Green Economy” has focused on the employment aspects of national efforts to transition to a green economy. The project was implemented in 3 countries: Mexico, China, and Turkey. The global evaluation report was undertaken in this project after carrying out the local interviews in Turkey and receiving local country reports for Mexico and China. The report followed the guidelines indicated in the TOR and included: (i) the project’s relevance and effectiveness; (ii) project achievements against immediate objective and expected outputs; (iii) emerging outcomes and impacts of the interventions; (iv) lessons learned and recommendations for future projects of similar focus.


Final Evaluation Report for "A Fair Start for Young Children in Turkish Rural Communities" Project

Early Childhood Care and Education, Gender and Women's Empowerment


November 2014 - August 2015

“A Fair Start for Young Children in Turkish Rural Communities” project was conducted by the Mother-Child Education Foundation (AÇEV) in Tokat during 2012-2015. The purpose of the project was two-fold: (i) to improve the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of young children in rural Turkey by engaging them in an early childhood education program, and (ii) to increase community awareness in early childhood education.  The mixed-methods evaluation of the project utilized quantitative data that was collected from treatment and control villages in the baseline and post-test surveys, qualitative data from 16 focus groups with beneficiary and non-beneficiary mothers and fathers in the program area, and in-depth interviews and a short quantitative survey of teachers in the final phase of the program. 

Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Foundation - Hüsnü M. Ö

Impact Evaluation of the Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Rural Development Program in Eastern Turkey

Rural Development, Impact Evaluation, Aid Effectiveness


December 2008 - March 2014

The Özyeğin Rural Development Program was launched in January 2009 in project villages in Bitlis with the aim of reducing rural poverty by investing in improving the returns to the assets of the poor: mainly by means of investments in agricultural technology and human development. This final evaluation report considers the impact of the Özyeğin Rural Development Program by looking particularly at changes in economic and human development-related outcome indicators five years after the launch of the program. A household survey was collected from treatment and control villages just before the start of the programme in 2009 and later in 2014. The survey instrument includes modules on agricultural activities, migration, household assets, income & consumption, time use, social networks, access to education and health services, and women’s empowerment. The fieldwork was funded by the Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Foundation while Development Analytics was responsible for the design of the impact evaluation study, the design of the survey instrument, training of enumerators in the field, training of data entry staff, econometric analysis, and preparing the final report.

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Impact Evaluation of UN-Women Father Training for Violence-Free Families Project

Women’s Empowerment


January 2014 - March 2014

The project evaluated the impact of a 3-year project funded by the UN- Women Trust Fund for reducing gender-based Violence and implemented in Turkey by the Mother-Child Education Foundation (AÇEV). The Father Training for Violence-Free Families Project (FTVFFP) aims to prevent violence against women and girls (VAW/G) by engaging men in a comprehensive and community-based violence prevention program. Throughout the three-year project, fathers and their wives were trained in a program that aims to foster democratic, anti-violent, and gender-sensitive attitudes and behaviours within the family. The impact evaluation study used a mixed-methods methodology using both quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups and key informant interviews. 

The evaluation aimed (i) to measure improvements and changes in outcomes as a result of the trainings, in terms of the fathers’ attitudes towards their children and wives, and the mothers’ awareness of violence and the existing legal structure in Turkey for protecting against VAW/G; (ii) to describe the external and contextual factors that may have also been at play and influenced the factors measured during the evaluation; (iii) to identify the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and trends in the project activities that have implications for strengthening its future administrative, programmatic and strategic directions.

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WB Logo

Socioeconomic Impact of Mining on Local Communities in Africa

Welfare and Poverty Measurement, Africa


March 2014 - June 2014

This analysis focuses on finding the socioeconomic impact of mining on local communities in 2 case countries in Africa: Tanzania and Mali. More specifically, the impact of the extractive activity on households’ welfare, children’s nutrition and education indicators was examined. Data used in the study are coming from various sources such as Demographic Health Surveys (DHS), Household Budget Surveys (HBS), and Censuses of Population of the two countries. Information on the location, opening date, and actual production of mines in Tanzania and Mali were also used. According to the data provided by the World Bank on the operation of mines in these two countries, the first mine started operating in Tanzania in 1998 and Mali in 1997. The study follows a diffs-in-diffs methodology looking at outcome variables before the setting up of the mines and about a decade after the mines have been in existence. In order to have a good understanding of the impact of gold extraction on the outcomes, different specification methods were employed throughout the analysis regarding the choice of treatment units, the treatment variable, and control units. 


Tools to Assess Value for Money in Agriculture: Agriculture Sector Dialogue

Impact Evaluation, Agriculture, Capacity Building


October 2013 - June 2014

This project involved the preparation of a key-note paper and case studies describing ex-ante and ex-post quantitative evaluation methodologies in agriculture in Africa. The paper reviewed a list of about 30 studies using ex-ante and ex-post impact evaluations that have been conducted in Africa in the agricultural sector and selected studies that highlighted applications of each methodology to African case studies.  In addition, two in-depth case studies were prepared on Mali and Malawi's agricultural sector program impact evaluations.  The case studies included interactive sessions providing the context of the policy to the policymakers, and asking them questions in each step to solve pieces of the puzzle, thus imparting in them the necessary tools for discussion and selection among various methodologies and techniques. The keynote paper and case studies were presented in Johannesburg at the CABRI Tools to Assess Value for Money in Agriculture: Agriculture Sector Dialogue on April 14-15, 2014.  The two-day workshop was attended by delegates from the Ministries of Finance and Agriculture from 13 CABRI member African countries. 

📖 Download the Keynote Paper: “Tools to assess value for money in agriculture” 

📖 Download the Case Study for Mali

📖 Download the Case Study for Malawi

📖Download the Article: "Development Analytics Delivers Training on Impact Evaluation Methods in Agriculture to Ministerial Delegates from 13 African Countries"

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