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Development Analytics is committed to promoting the dissemination of knowledge relating to development issues.
A selection of our research is linked below. This includes policy reports presented for clients, academic reports undertaken with our partners and papers written for our own Development Analytics Research Paper Series.
Title | Type | Author | Policy area | Publishing date | Link |
How to Estimate Heterogeneous Learning Losses due to School Closures: An Application Using PISA data in Türkiye | Nazlı Aktakke, Meltem Aran, Emre Üçkardeşler, Pınar Kolancalı, Zehra Sena Kibar, and Hazal Çolak Öz | Children’s Well-Being and Development | October / 2023 | | |
Inequalities in the home learning environment during the pandemic: a closer look at Syrian refugee children’s home learning environment in Türkiye prior to COVID-19 | Hazal Colak Oz, Meltem Aran, Nazli Aktakke, Emre Üçkardeşler, Yali Hajhassan | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | September / 2023 | | |
Documentation of Education Response in Türkiye during the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Effect on Children's Access to and Retention in Education | Meltem Aran, Pınar Kolancalı, Nazlı Aktakke, Zehra Sena Kibar, Hazal Çolak, Yali Hajhassan | Children’s Well-Being and Development | January / 2023 | | |
School dropout prediction and feature importance exploration in Malawi using household panel data: machine learning approach | Hazal Colak Oz, Çiçek Güven, Gonzalo Nápoles | Children’s Well-Being and Development | December / 2022 | | |
Cash Transfers: Learning from the EU Programme in
Turkey | Meltem A Aran, Nazli Aktakke, Hazal Colak and Gokce Baykal | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | March / 2022 | | |
Evaluative Learning Study for Phase III of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Assistance for Refugees in Türkiye | Meltem A. Aran, Nazli Aktakke, Gokce Baykal, Zehra Sena Kibar, Yali Hajhassan, Tugce Kilic | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | September / 2022 | | |
Does Quality Matter in Determining Child Care Prices? Evidence from Private Child Care Provision in Turkey | Didem Pekkurnaz, Meltem A. Aran, Nazli Aktakke | Children’s Well-Being and Development | September / 2021 | | |
How to Assess the Child Poverty and Distributional Impact of COVID-19 Using Household Budget Surveys: An Application Using Turkish Data | Meltem A. Aran, Nazli Aktakke, Zehra Sena Kibar, Emre Üçkardeşler | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | August / 2021 | | |
Strategic Mid-term Evaluation of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. Volume II: Sector Report on
Protection | Julian Murray, Hazal Colak, Nazli Aktakke, Yali Hajhassan | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | June / 2021 | | |
Strategic Mid-term Evaluation of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. Volume II: Sector Report on
Socio-economic Support | Francis Watkins, Meltem Aran, Gökçe Baykal, Nazli Aktakke, Lewis Sida, Tom Barton | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | June / 2021 | | |
Strategic Mid-term Evaluation of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. Volume II: Sector Report on
Health | Elizabeth Dyke, Safir Sumer, Hazal Colak, Yali Hajhassan | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | June / 2021 | | |
Strategic Mid-term Evaluation of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. Volume II: Sector Report on
Education | Christopher Talbot, Nazlı Aktakke, Hazal Colak, Yali Hajhassan | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | June / 2021 | | |
Strategic Mid-term Evaluation of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. Volume I: Main Report | Lewis Sida, Julian Murray, Meltem Aran, Christopher Talbot, Elizabeth Dyke, Nur Abdelkhaliq Zamora and Francis Watkins, Gökçe Baykal, Safir Sumer, Nazli Aktakke, Hazal Colak, Yali Hajhassan | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | June / 2021 | | |
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Used in Development Projects: A Handbook for Civil Society Organizations | Aylin Topal | Skills and Employment | October / 2020 | | |
Harnessing the Power of Youth: An Analysis of Youth Not-in-Employment, Education or Training (NEET) in Turkey and Policies and Civil Society Models that Promote Active Youth Engagement | Nazli Aktakke, Hazal Colak, Zeynep Baser, Sena Buyukavci, Cagla Tabak | Skills and Employment | October / 2020 | | |
Estimating the Impact of COVID-19 on Child Poverty in Georgia using a Micro-Simulation Model | Meltem Aran, Nazli Aktakke, Cagla Tabak | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | August / 2020 | | |
ESSN Mid-term Review Report | Nick Maunder, Karin Seyfert, Meltem Aran, Nazli Aktakke | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | February / 2020 | | |
Can Father Training Programmes Help Reduce Gender-Based Violence: Lessons from a Parenting Intervention in Turkey | O. Gokce Baykal, Meltem A. Aran, Nazli Aktakke | Gender and Women's Empowerment | July / 2019 | | |
Life in Transition Survey- Gender Analysis and Gender Modules | Nazli Aktakke (Development Analytics), Meltem Aran (Development Analytics), Ana Maria Munoz Boudet | Gender and Women's Empowerment | August / 2017 | | |
Decentralised Evaluation of the ECHO funded Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) in Turkey | Nick Maunder, Team Leader; Karin Seyfert; Meltem Aran; Gökçe Baykal; Marta Marzi, Gabrielle Smith | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | April / 2018 | | |
Final Evaluation: “Father Training for Violence-Free Families” (Turkey) | Meltem Aran, Nazli Aktakke, Gokce Baykal, Danya Chudacoff, Ulas Sunata, Cengiz Ciftci | Gender and Women's Empowerment | March / 2014 | | |
Supply and Demand for Child Care Services in Turkey: A Mixed Methods Study | The World Bank and Ministry of Family and Social Policy of Turkey | Children’s Well-Being and Development | September / 2015 | | |
Improving Basic Services Delivery for the Poor in the OIC Member Countries | Ministry of Development of Turkey, COMCEC Coordination Office | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | September / 2015 | | |
Turkey on the Way of Universal Health Coverage Through the Health Transformation Program (2003-13) | The World Bank Group | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | September / 2014 | | |
Good Jobs in Turkey | The World Bank Group | Skills and Employment | November / 2013 | | |
Recent Trends in Female Labour Force Participation in Turkey | Arzu Uraz, Meltem A. Aran, Müşerref Hüsamoğlu, Dilek Okkalı Şanalmış, Sinem Capar | Skills and Employment | March / 2010 | | |
Education of Disadvantaged Children in the OIC: the Key to Escape from Poverty | OIC | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | October / 2017 | | |
Measuring Inequality of Opportunity with Imperfect Data: The Case of Turkey | Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Jeremie Gignoux , Meltem A. Aran | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | February / 2010 | | |
Supporting Access to and Retention in Employment for Women by Enhancing Child Care Services in Turkey | Agence Française de Développement | Skills and Employment | May / 2016 | | |
Women and Health: Analysis of the Economic Value of Informal Health Care by Women in Turkey | Harvard School of Public Health and the LANCET Commission on Women’s Health | Gender and Women's Empowerment | September / 2013 | | |
Universal Health Coverage in Turkey: enhancement of equity | Rifat Atun, Sabahattin Aydin, Sarbani Chakraborty, Safir Sumer, Meltem Aran, Ipek Gurol, Serpil Nazlioglu, Senay Ozgulcu, Ulger Aydogan, Banu Ayar, Ugur Dilmen, Recep Akdag | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | June / 2013 | | |
Can Regulations Make It More Difficult to Serve the Poor? The Case of Childcare Services in Istanbul, Turkey | Meltem A. Aran, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet, Nazli Aktakke | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | November / 2016 | | |
Building an ex-ante simulation model for estimating the capacity impact, benefit incidence, and cost effectiveness of child care subsidies in Turkey | Meltem A. Aran, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet, Nazli Aktakke | Children’s Well-Being and Development | November / 2018 | | |
Protection in Good and Bad Times? The Turkish Green Card Health Program | Meltem A. Aran, Jesko Hentschel | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | August / 2012 | | |
Poverty and Inequality Changes in Turkey (2003-2006) | Meltem A. Aran, Sırma Demir, Özlem Sarıca, Hakan Yazici | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | March / 2010 | | |
Impact Evaluation Methods in Evaluating Development Programmes and Applications from Turkey | Dr. Meltem Aran, Dr. Güneş Aşık, Dr. Gökçe Baykal, Dr. İrem Güçeri, Dr. Murat Kırdar, Dr. Beyza Polat, Nazlı Aktakke. | Children’s Well-Being and Development | August / 2017 | | |
Maternal and Child Health in Turkey Through the Health Transformation Program | Meltem A. Aran, Nazlı Aktakke, İpek Gürol, Rıfat Atun | Children’s Well-Being and Development | December / 2015 | | |
Women's Invisible Contribution: Quantifying the Economic Value of Women's Unpaid Care Activities in Turkey and Policy Options to Reduce Women's Care Burden | Meltem A. Aran, Nazlı Aktakke | Gender and Women's Empowerment | June / 2016 | | |
Benefit Incidence of Fuel Subsidies in Madagascar and Recommendation for Child-Friendly Allocations | Meltem A. Aran, Nazlı Aktakke, Martin C. Evans | Children’s Well-Being and Development | July / 2016 | | |
Welfare Impact of the Global Economic Crisis of 2008-2009 on Turkish Households: Evidence from a Specialized Monitoring Survey in 7 Provinces | Meltem A. Aran | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | February / 2013 | | |
Agricultural Technology Diffusion in a Post-Conflict Setting: Evidence from an Experimental Study in Eastern Turkey | Meltem A. Aran | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | January / 2013 | | |
Early Childhood Health and Education Outcomes and Children's Exposure to Multiple Risks in Turkey | Meltem A. Aran, Cristobal Ridao-Cano | Children’s Well-Being and Development | September / 2014 | | |
Inequality of Opportunity in Access to Basic Services Among Egyptian Children | Meltem A. Aran, Lire Ersado | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | July / 2013 | | |
A Methodology Note on the Employment and Welfare Impacts of the 2007-08 Financial Crisis | Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad, Meltem A. Aran, Mehtabul Azam, Jesko Hentschel | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | June / 2013 | | |
Socioeconomic Impact of Mining Activity: Effects of Gold Mining on Local Communities in Tanzania and Mali | Beyza Polat, Nazlı Aktakke, Meltem A. Aran, Andrew Dabalen, Punam Chuhan-Pole, Aly Sanoh | Poverty, Social Protection, and Humanitarian Aid | October / 2014 | | |
Can Child Care Vouchers Get Turkish Mothers Back to Work? Estimating the Employment and Redistributionary Impact of a Demand Side Child Care Subsidy in Turkey | Meltem A. Aran, Herwig Immervoll, Cristobal Ridao-Cano | Gender and Women's Empowerment | October / 2014 | |
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